투어를 시작하기 앞서 준비된 이어폰을 폰에 연결하고 웹사이트가 사용자의 현재 위치를 사용 할 수 있도록 반드시 ‘허용'해주세요. 조금더 편리한 웹사이트 접속을 위해 모바일 홈화면에 고향투어.com 바로가기 아이콘 설정을 권장합니다. 고향투어에서는 창동 도봉구 지도에 표시된 목적지를 따라 투어를 하게됩니다. 첫번째 목적지를 선택하고 걷다보면 “조금 더 가까이" 라는 문구가 “더 방황하기" 변환이 됩니다. 더 방황한 후 다음 목적지를 선택하고 이동하시면 됩니다.
Making Out L.A. has two navigation options. The first view shows artworks on a map and shows your location relative to all exhibitions. The second view sorts artworks by the artists, artworks, or venues and provides information about the works. To successfully use Making Out L.A., be sure to:
*Allow makingout.la to access your location.
*Recommended: Make a shortcut of makingout.la to your mobile home screen for best experience. Doing so will allow the app to go fullscreen automatically.
*Recommended browsers: Safari, Chrome, Firefox
Please contact us for any
Media inquiries media@makingout.la
Technical problems tech@makingout.la
General inquiries inquiry@makingout.la
If you wish to participate makingout.la 2017 General inquiries inquiry@makingout.la
Makingout.la is a location-based virtual exhibition of creative work from 20 Los Angeles-based artists. Visitors at participating art galleries, institutions and artists-run spaces can view digital artworks via the makingout.la mobile web application.
makingout.la is produced by Camella DaEun Kim and Tyler Stefanich in conjunction with Maiden L.A.. Special Thanks to David O’Grady, Sofia Staab-Gulbenkian, Alex Rickett, Noa Kaplan and Lauren Mahon for their help.
#makingoutla #maidenla #LAart #geolocationart
Press Kit